Reflected Toothache

These kinds of pain are the pain felt in remote areas.
For example;
· Pain in the ear, because of the lower twenty-year-old teeth
· Pain in front teeth, because of the lower twenty-year-old teeth 
· Impacted twenty-year-old teeth causing pain that can hit the eyes and cheekbones
· Causing a pain in the tooth that has been tipped over to another tooth
· One-sided chewing or gnashing teeth can cause joint pain, earache or even tinnitus
· Sinusitis pain on the upper teeth
·In patients with systemic heart attack and angina history, heart pain may be reflected in the left arm, shoulder, neck and left jaw teeth.
Apart from the above-mentioned examples, the pain of a tooth can be reflected on the teeth next to it or to a tooth in the opposite jaw. however, the reflected toothache does not exceed the midline of the jaw. For example, a pain on the left side of the mouth is not felt on the right side.
In detecting reflected toothache, or in detecting pain in the teeth / jaw of another condition, the effect of one's own disease on teeth must be well known. With the detailed examination of the dentist, it should be investigated whether the main problem is of dental origin.
In the treatment of the reflected pain, the main problem should be determined and the treatment should be applied. If the main problem is caused by teeth, the problematic tooth must be treated.