The main topic of oral care is how has been brushed the teeth. For this firstly we shoud choose the correct toothbrush. The ideal toothbrush should be medium hardness and has medium size brushhead. If the patient has nauseation, the choose of small size brushhead prevent nauseation.
When choosing the toothpaste florur contained one should has been preferred. Each time we should buy another brand toothpaste. İn this way the shape and size of abrasives in toothpaste changes each time and does not make the same abrasion. Thus teeth does not been damaged.
How should have been brushed the teeth?
With dry toothbrush the toothpaste as size of lentil should has been squeezed. With movements of sweeping after vibration from gingiva to tooth with 45 degree, teeth are brushen beginning from front surfaces. From front to backward teeth all surfaces of teeth are brushen. The same way the palatally and lingually surfaces are brushen. Palatal and lingual surfaces of incisor teeth are brushen with hold the tooth brush vertically. Lastly the occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth brushen with front to back movements of toothbrush.
After brushing of teeth, interfaces which are can not applied with toothbrush are cleaned with dental floss. When using dental floss is placed between gingiva, tooth and gingiva, to do not break the contact of tooth and dental floss should be done movements in the shape of 'C'. When doing this to don’t damage gingiva should have been carefull.
To easily usage of dental floss have been produced different designs.
The last stage of dental care is brushing the tongue. Recent research has been confirm that bacteries which causes halitosis are found at tongue. For this reason to brush the tongue is essential. Our tongue can cleaned with specific tongue brushes too like cleaned with toothbrush. We should use the brush doing sweeping movements from back of tongue to front without pressure.
There are another equipments for using to mouth and dental care. These are rechargeable toothbrushes and dental flosses, interface brushes, mouthwashes and mouth sprays.
And the other matter is when we should change the toothbrush. In average after 3 month of using, the toothbrush is wear off and bacteries begin to live inside. Every 3 or 6 months we should renew our toothbrushes.