What should we be carefull about after tooth extraction?

Hold the sterile sponge in place for at least 15-20 minutes. Do not place a second tampon after throwing away this tampon. Because the new tampon that you put never will be sterile. In addition, each time the clot on the wound will adhere to this tampon and prevent the bleeding from stopping.
* Do not gargle your mouth with water for a few hours. Otherwise, the formation of a blood clot that will provide recovery after the tooth extraction is prevented and you will delay the recovery of the wound.
* It is normal for you to have bleeding as leakage. This bleeding can continue from 6 to 24 hours. Do not panic when you think that this bleeding is more than your bleeding due to the ability of blood can stain your saliva. If you have too much bleeding, consult your physician.
* You may also have pain. In this case you can get analgesics. (Aspirin-derivated analgesics increase bleeding. Therefore, it is not recommended after tooth extraction). Especially when anesthetic effect begin to go down, the pain peaks. This is a normal condition and it would be useful to take analgesic before going through drowsiness.
* Severe pain may occur after 48-72 hours. If bleeding exceeds 24 hours, a bad taste and smell, call your dentist immediately. If your mouth hygiene is not good and too much cigarette smoking exist, these are the most important causes for alveolitis."dry space inflammation’’ 
* Do not smoke and avoid alcoholic drinks for 3 days.
* Do not interfere with your tongue or any foreign matter.
* Because the teeth are connected to the jawbone, the bone will appear after the tooth extraction and you may think that these are pieces left of the tooth. Don't be interested in that region at all. Within a few days, the open bone will be covered with gingiva.
* Do not eat anything until 2 hours after tooth extraction. You can bite the injured areas without being aware of them.
* Do not eat or drink very hot or cold foods. In the first 24 hours, take soft and warm foods that do not need to be chewed. Then you can switch to daily food with caution.
* Continue normal oral care after 24 hours following tooth extraction. You can benefit from diluted warm salt water or mouthwashes. These processes clean the wound environment, accelerate the healing process, reduce the odor after the tooth extraction, prevent the accumulation of microbes and eliminate the risk of secondary infection.
* After tooth extraction, if possible, put a high pillow under your head and rest on the day of tooth extraction.
* If the tooth extraction was difficult compared to normal; You must apply ice for a period of 5-10 minutes per hour for 8 hours. Swelling and bruising will be prevented by the application of ice.
* If tooth extraction was performed with surgical intervention; may be swelling. It's normal.
* If the stitched wound; stitches should be taken within 7 to 10 days. Take care not to take your tongue to the area and do not play with the stitches while the stitches are in the mouth
* Space after tooth extraction; it should be replaced by prosthesis, implant, or other prostheses as soon as possible. 
* If the gap, after tooth extraction, is not filled with prosthesis; the teeth next to the cavity and the teeth opposite the cavity shift to tootless area. The displacement of the teeth is undesirable for both aesthetic and functional. The axes and positions of these teeth deteriorate.
* Problems in the jaw joint may occur due to the disruption of the teeth.
* It may not be possible to make prostheses on the teeth that have disrupted axes.
* Therefore, in order to avoid many problems in the future, these gaps must be filled after tooth extraction.